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Entrepreneurs talk: AdornPay's Anouk on sustainable & ethically responsible entrepreneurship

In our 'entrepreneur talk blogs' we take you through topics surrounding entrepreneurship; what is involved? What do we learn the most from? And what topics do we encounter along the way? This blog focuses on the topic of sustainable & ethical entrepreneurship. Anouk, founder of AdornPay, answers a number of frequently asked questions. 

What is sustainable & ethical entrepreneurship for you?Sustainable & ethical entrepreneurship comes first me about running a business in a responsible manner. Ultimately, of course, you want to be profitable as a company, but I would never want to make money off the backs of others. And of course not to the detriment of the world we live in with its beautiful nature and all the animals. To me, sustainable entrepreneurship means that you think about the consequences of every step you take. For example, the people who work on our products must work under the right conditions and be paid well, our shipments must cause as little CO2 emissions as possible & we want to create as little waste as possible in our business processes. These are some examples of what sustainable & ethical entrepreneurship means to me.

Why is this topic so important to you?Ever since I was little, I have found I think you should take good care of everything around you; your loved ones who you love, but also for everything that seems more of a 'far-away show'. It is sometimes very easy to only worry about everything that is visible to you, you are confronted with this every day. But for me it is very important to look beyond that. In the Netherlands we are generally quite well off, but this is not the case everywhere. I think we could be a little nicer to each other. And that we can take better care of everything around us. There is only one of this world and we must cherish it. Of course, we as a company do not have enough support alone, but we hope to inspire others to think more carefully about the effect of their decisions in entrepreneurship. A better world starts with yourself.

What gains do you think can still be achieved within AdornPay in the field of sustainable & ethical entrepreneurship?We are of course doing our utmost to do everything right when it comes to this subject, but there are always steps to be taken when it comes to corporate responsibility. I would like to write more about sustainable entrepreneurship in the short term. I hope to make more people aware of this subject. I also hope that we can package and ship even more sustainably in the future.

What would you like to convey to other companies about the importance of this topic?Phew , good question. Actually a lot. Also depending on the company of course. But my advice to any company that is not yet consciously working on it would be; just start! Every step you take is one. You really don't have to have all the wisdom in this regard right away. As management, put your heads together, write a plan and just go for it!  

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