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Now also travel on public transport with your wearable

Only traveling in public transport with an OV chip card? That is a thing of the past with OVPay. The new way of paying in public transport: checking in and out with your wearable!

Pay in public transport with your wearable
OVpay is the new way of checking in and out on public transport in the Netherlands. This way you are no longer tied to an OV chip card, because you can choose how you check in and out. This can be done with a contactless debit card, credit card, mobile phone, but also with a wearable!

OVpay was already available in many places in the Netherlands and from this week NS passengers can also check in with OVpay. The aim is that by the end of March you can travel everywhere in the Netherlands with OVpay. Traveling by public transport will soon be as easy as paying for your groceries.

How does OVpay work?
Paying with OVpay works the same as contactless payment in the store. You hold your wearable against the card reader or the gate to check in, and at your final destination you check out by holding the same wearable against the card reader again. With the OVpay app you also keep an overview of all your trips. Add your wearable in the app and you can see exactly where you have checked in and out with your wearable.

Knowing more?
You can find all information about the new way of traveling in public transport on the OVpay website . You will find all explanations about the app and the answers to all frequently asked questions!

Would you also like to travel in style on public transport? And always have your payment method at hand? Check out our wearable collection here !

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De betaalcollectie

The payment collection

Functie uitgelicht: Een limiet toevoegen aan je wearable(s)

Feature highlighted: Add a limit to your wearable(s)

Better together: Onze samenwerking met Sustainable Fashion Giftcard

Better together: Our collaboration with Sustainable Fashion Giftcard


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