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The production

In our previous blog we talked about secure payment with a wearable. You are reading this blog here back. In this blog we will tell more about the production of our first collection and give a look behind the scenes at the studio.  
Our jewelry is produced in small workshops in Anatolia, Turkey. The jewelry is made by hand and sustainable production is used as much as possible during the production process. We only work with recycled silver and gold and when using other materials, such as leather or (precious) stones, we try to create as little waste as possible.  
We have had a lot of contact with the producer in recent months. For her, this is also the first time that she will produce jewelry with an integrated chip. There are many things that we have to take into account during production and thus come up with creative solutions. An example: Gold and silver are processed at high temperatures, but the chip should not get hotter than 85 degrees. Fortunately, the contact is very pleasant and we try to consult together as best as possible in order to arrive at a great product. 
Turkey is currently in a strict lockdown due to the pandemic, causing our collection to be delayed by a few weeks. Unfortunately, we cannot influence this. We notice that this makes us very nervous and we have the idea that we are 'standing still'. Due to the pandemic, we are very much tied to contact with other parties via e-mail. We feel we are waiting a lot, but this is also part of doing business and the start-up phase. As with any company, we have to deal with ups and downs throughout the entire process. We would also like to share the setbacks with you, so that every starting entrepreneur knows that starting your own company is not always a bed of roses. 
We have to wait a little longer but are very curious about our first collection and can't wait to show it to you! Unfortunately a little later than expected. But as soon as the collection is in, we will share sneak peeks with you as soon as possible. 
We will be posting a new blog soon. We will then tell you more about AdornPay and doing business. 
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Wearables - veilig betalen - AdornPay

Wearables - secure payment

Functie uitgelicht: Een limiet toevoegen aan je wearable(s)

Feature highlighted: Add a limit to your wearable(s)

Interview Omroep Flevoland - AdornPay

Interview Broadcasting Flevoland


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